HCM Services

Human Capital Management software, or HCM software, is a tool that can help organizations better manage their workforce. Also known as an HRMS (human resource management system) or an HRIS (human resource information system), HCM software includes a variety of features to help manage different aspects of the employee experience. This can include recruiting and onboarding elements, benefits administration, time and attendance, payroll process, data reporting, and other related functionality.

While many organizations easily recognize the value of having an HCM system in place and know what type of functionality they want for their particular needs, they often overlook an incredibly important aspect of the HCM software: the services that come with it. When choosing new software, you’re not just choosing features and functionality. You’re also choosing a software company – one that you will rely on for the initial transition to the new software as well as for ongoing customer support.

These HCM services are just as important as the software product itself, if not more so. Ultimately, these services can be the deciding factor between whether your organization is or is not successful with the new software.

Going Beyond HCM Software Functionality

Human capital management systems are all about putting your people first, so it’s high time we dig into the people behind the HCM software as well. There are three primary categories where it’s important to consider the service that your HCM provider will offer: software implementation, ongoing customer support, and continuous software enhancements.

Implementing a New HCM

HCM Services - Implementation and SupportTransitioning your organization to a new software system is no easy task, and HCM software in particular has a huge impact on the entire organization. That’s why your HCM software implementation is a critical period for setting up your future success with the system. It should be flexible enough to cater to your existing processes and operations and optimized to maximize efficiencies at the same time. Your software provider will need to take a consultative approach to the implementation process. This will help ensure the company has a thorough grasp on how your organization operates in order to set up the software to suit your needs and make recommendations that will enable you to maximize your use of the HCM software. Further, no implementation is complete without hands-on training and a high level of support as your organization goes live with the new software.

Ongoing Customer Support

After you’re all set up with the HCM system, you’ll rely on the software company’s customer support team for any issues or questions that come up. Even with the best software in the world, your HCM system is useless without prompt and dedicated support from the software company when you need it. Being able to speak with a human being from your software company is just as important as any feature available within the software.

Continuous Improvement & Enhancements

As with any technology, HCM software should constantly be improved upon and enhanced. Otherwise, it risks becoming outdated. Often enough, these continuous improvements are small changes that may barely be noticed by the end user. However, other enhancements will be noticeable and require the appropriate support and training. Similar to the implementation process, your HCM software provider should partner with you to make the enhancements based on your priorities and help you adjust to any updates.

Finding an HCM Partner

HCM Service Partners

Ultimately, when evaluating your HCM options, you’re not just choosing a software product – you’re choosing a software company. And ideally, you’ll want one that offers a true partnership and complete services throughout the entire time you’re working with them.

A Provider that Knows Your Industry

At DATIS, we specialize in providing an HCM solution that caters directly to the unique needs of the health and human services industry. We’re able to provide a tailored HR and Payroll solution that combines a unified software platform with exceptional service from start to finish. Contact us today to see how we can help your organization achieve its mission.